Panos Panay, known for his Diet Coke addiction, was hosting his first launch event with the media since leaving Microsoft for Amazon. The event space had a welcoming feel, with pastel pink furniture surrounding the stage where Panay, dressed in all black, delivered a 38-minute sentimental presentation on the new Kindle Scribe. Despite his tendency to dwell on history and personal anecdotes, Panay’s engaging demeanor captivated the audience. During a sit-down interview, he discussed the dual-purpose nature of the Kindle Scribe and the importance of simplicity in product development. Panay emphasized the need for patience in predicting trends and integrating AI features, like the notebook features on the Kindle Scribe, into products. He expressed a desire to continually improve the Kindle Scribe experience and hinted at potential future developments, such as color displays and foldable designs. Overall, Panay’s focus on customer needs and product innovation at Amazon reflects his dedication to creating meaningful technology that enhances everyday life.